Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome (A word to the wise... I think...)

Hey random Internet goer/web surfer/blog aficionado. You have happened to stumble across Spencer S.'s fun fact #0:! Congratulations! (You didn't actually win anything, though, so don't wear-out that hand patting yourself on the back). Maybe you were my friend on Facebook, or maybe you happened to accidentally click on next blog while you were getting a little to emotionally drawn into your friends post about their new Russian Dwarf Hamster. Whatever the reason, I have your attention now, so let me explain what you are looking at.

First off, you may be wondering, "Why fun fact #0:?". Actually, if you came here from Facebook, you should know, so in that case, tsk, tsk, to you. For the other .0001% of you, on Facebook, I sequentially order all my status with fun fact #[insert number here]:. I guess some could say that I might be a little anal, even borderline OCD, and to that I say… maybe…

But anyways, on to the main point of this blog. Here I will post my thoughts on day to day life, weird things I see, movies I watch, games I play, news I hear, and whatever else I come across or is on my mind, spelling and grammatical errors and all. I’ll try not to get to deep, though. I’m not that deep of a person. If I see a cloud in the sky, it probably will just look like a cloud to me. Unless of course it’s big and really dark, in which case I might make some stupid passing reference to James and the Giant Peach and the cloud turning into a rhino, but other then that, still just a cloud to me. If you where a fan of the original fun fact’s, then think of this as the Director’s Cut. If you where not a fan of the original fun fact’s, then honestly I have no clue why you clicked the link in the first place. If this is your first time to any of my fun fact’s, well, hopefully I intrigued you just enough to where you are curious to see where the next couple ones go.

And with that I will let you go. Thanks for your time (not that you where likely doing anything important in the first place. Lets face it, you made it this far, you where probably using this to waste time). Hopefully you will be back here in the future to read more. Now go back to your Russian Dwarf Hamster. It’s calling you.