Monday, February 7, 2011

Purple Cows and Random Thoughts

So this morning I was having a dream. It was one of those lucid dreams. You know, the kind where you can control what happens and/or what you do, and you have like an actual recollection of what happened? (In other words, you are somewhat conscious). Well anyways, so like, I was in the boonies on some ranch-like house that had a playground. On the swing set was the hottest of hotties. So, naturally (being a dream and all) I went up to her to strike up a conversation. To my dismay, she responded by making fun of me!

 Here I had to take a QUADRUPLE take! A double take for myself in the dream, and a double take for my real self. I mean, lets think about this for a second. This was MY dream. I could have made it rain purple cows if I wanted too! I could have turned her into some giant robot, gotten in, and fought monsters! (Knowing me, it's actually surprising that the latter didn't happen).

This leads me to one of two conclusions. Either my dreams are trying to tell me that I am subconsciously self-conscious of my own flaws (if that even makes sense), or that I need to get out and socialize with the opposite sex more. (Or anyone, for that matter. Sometimes I do act like a hermit). Unfortunately, my alarm went off at this point and woke me up, so I was never able to discover what the dream meant.

However, this coupled with the fact that it was a BEAUTIFUL day today, gave me some food for thought.

First off, I decided that I would rather be cool then hot, both literally and figuratively. Literally, it is just easier to bundle up when it's cold then to have to deal with the heat, something that at a certain point (namely, if you where totally butt-naked sitting next to an air-conditioner) you couldn't do anything about. Figuratively, I look at it this way. A person can be hot, but that doesn't mean you want to hang out with them. But since cool is something more based on personality, its something that makes that person more appealing to be around. Lets look at this as if it where music. Here are two songs sung by female artists, one would be what I consider cool, and one hot.

Okay, so the first video would be my hot video. Sure, the Pussycat Dolls are attractive, and all, but the actual song is just not my cup of tea. In the end, its just eye-candy and nothing else.

The second song, however, rocks my socks! Garbage is legit (at least I find them so) and I could listen to this song all day. I will admit, Shirley Manson is not as attractive as a majority of the Pussycat Dolls, (not that she isn't attractive) but that doesn't matter, cause I am willing to listen to this song all day! I can't even make it halfway through the other song.

On to random thought number two day. Quick and simple. It was a ridiculously warm and nice day today, and yet I still saw MULTIPLE girls wearing Uggs. I have this thing with Uggs. I find them neither hot, nor cool. There is just something about them that rubs me the wrong way. But my own personal preferences aside, those things are warm woolly boots! By no means should you wear them on a day that feels like it is summer.

On a final note (cause this is getting a little to long for the average human attention span) this is generally the logical flow of my ideas. If you were to ever talk to me in real life, this is most likely exactly how a given conversation would play out. So with that I will leave you until next time. Please enjoy this picture I drew of Mario (from Super Mario. Wow I am such a geek).

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