Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear bed,
   I love you, but why do you have to be so cold each night when I go to sleep?

Dear hail,
   You were pretty loud today. Kudos to you for being obnoxious.

Dear parental units,
   Please get some more blankets. Whenever I come home, they are all either dirty, or the dogs have been using them.

Dear room,
   I somewhat regret painting you brown. Now it always feels so dark in you.

Dear hallway girl,
   After a whole quarter of sitting next to you, and talking to you occasionally, in the hallway, for half an hour, twice a week, before we headed off to our respective classes, I still never found out your name. Oh well. Maybe I'll ask you sometime Spring Quarter. We did find out we are neighbors after all.

Dear other neighbor (the loud one),
   You are still way to loud. I don't appreciate it very much.

Dear warm snow socks I am currently wearing,
   Thank you for warming up my feet. They were quite cold.

Dear bass,
   I am sorry I haven't practied more. Please forgive me.

Dear iTunes,
   I do not appreciate you glitching out on me right now. I want to listen to music!

Dear Blip,
   Thank you for always being there when iTunes is glitching out.

Dear Martial Arts movies,
  You give me something to do other then play video games.

Dear Video Games,
   Thank you for taking up vast amounts of time that I will never get back. You are anything I could ever want from a form of entertainment, and more.

Dear Nintendo,
   Thank you for making a vast majority of those games.

Dear Japan,
   You are one of my favorite countries. My wishes go out to a speedy recovery for you, and my condolences to all those that have been affected by the natural disasters that happened there.

Dear beard,
   Thanks for keeping my face warm while I went snowboarding back in December. And sorry for shaving you off after that. But it's good to see you back.

 Dear Wolverine,
   Thank you for showing that vertically-challenged people can still kick tons of ass and be super awesome.

Dear April,
   Please come faster. I want it to be my birthday already.

Dear dreams,
   Sometimes you confuse me. Life is already confusing enough, so please stop it.

Dear internet,
   I spend a LOT of time on you. There is much hate and anger on you. But as long as there are creative, joyous, heartfelt people like this, I still have the utmost hope for you.

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