Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Wonderful World of Spencer

Wow. I've been busy. Actually, I lie (please forgive me), I haven't really been busy. But I've been lazy. I've had a lot happen these last couple of months. Some stuff has quite literally been life changing, other stuff, not so much. I might post something about that stuff later, but quite frankly, my mind has been to scattered as of late to put together any coherent post about one single subject. So instead, I decided to post twenty three random facts about myself, many of which are probably totally new to the world at large. Why twenty three? Because I said so, that's why. And don't worry, I'll post all non-video game related stuff. If you really want to know about the subject I always talk about anyways, feel free to message me or something. Anyways, without further ado, here are twenty three Spencer facts you may not have know (with annotations too!).

1. You can tell how tired I am by my eyes. When I am really tired, one eye is open more then the other. I have a hunch that this is because for a while, I would keep one eye open and one closed before I went to bed. When all the lights turned off, the eye that was closed could see better in the dark (it's pretty cool, you should try it). I did this for approximately a year on and off.

2. I recently got an umbrella that looks like a katana from my sister. This is by far one of the coolest presents I have gotten to date.

3. My favorite colors are yellow, then at a close second, is red. Ironically, I am not the biggest fan of orange, even though my two favorite colors combine to make it.

4. I am the youngest child. And by youngest, I mean I am the only one left that's not married.

5. My first two favorite movies were Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. I'm not quite sure how this happened, but I would like to pretend it had something to do with my sister. However, whenever the subject comes up, she says she never liked watching them, especially since I wanted them on 24/7.

6. My first favorite song was Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind. I had the single CD, and listened to it on my CD player pretty much all day. And for those of you youngin's out there, CD stands for Compact Disc, and back in my day, the thing that stored the music, and the thing that played the music, were two entirely separate entities.

7. When my family and I visited New York one time, an Asian tourist group randomly came up to me and started taking pictures like I was some kind of celebrity. Myself and my family both see this as the precursor to why I am so fascinated and intrigued by Asian culture.

8. When I was a kid, I loved watching Jurassic Park. However, it always gave me nightmares that a Tyrannosaurus Rex was breathing above my head as I was falling asleep. This didn't stop me from watching the movie over and over, though.

9. While we are on the subject of sleeping, I sleep with my head under my pillows. I'm still not quite sure why.

10. Self promotion time. I have a Twitter. Follow me there at Not quite as cool as my normal fun facts, but close enough that you should follow me.

11. I used to skateboard when I was a kid. This was back in the day before any random person could pick up a longboard, ride two feet, and say "Yea, I skate." You know, back when you had to do things like ollie.

12. I don't have an appendix, but not because it needed to be removed. I had other problems (the uniqueness of which would require to much space to type here. Message me if you are interested) and they decided they might as well remove it while they were "already in there."

13. I am quite a clean person, but only because I am lazy. I figure, the longer it stays clean, the less times I will have to clean whatever it is.

14. I wish I had a spiffy suit and tie that was specially designed to allow for extreme movement. That way, I could do martial arts, and look stylish at the same time.

15. The first time I ever went to Disneyland, I wasn't even a year old yet, and up until recently, my family went there annually. (We aren't from the area, so it's not like a "Oh, lets go to Disneyland" kind of thing for us).

16. This last school year, I found out that I sleep better the closer I am to the floor. My bed at school was ridiculously high off the ground, to the point where I had to jump up to get on to it. (Given I am short, but still). When I lowered my bed to be closer to what it is at home (roughly a foot off the ground, give or take) I slept much better.

17. My favorite toys back when I was a kid were Legos. I once made a snowboard park out of them. It was pretty legit.

18. I hold my pencil with both my middle and index finger pushing down on it, rather then just the index. This has caused me to develop a small indent on my ring finger where the pencil rests.

19. I have been prone to randomly breaking out and laughing hysterically for no apparent reason whatsoever. A prime example of this was freshman year in high school in English. I started laughing so hard I was crying. My teacher told me to go outside until I could calm down. Finally, when I came to, I went back inside. By the time I had reached my seat, I could feel the laughter build back up to the point that I just turned around to go back outside. I am pretty sure everyone thought I was legally insane after that.

20. I used to have a ponytail in high school. My favorite thing to do with it was if a girl started talking about something like split ends or what-not, I would pretend like I was all concerned about my hair too.

21. When I was smaller, I used to love to make "pies." These pies would consist of any random things I could find in fridge or cupboard. I would mix them together, put it in the fridge, and voila! A pie would be there in the morning. I later found out that my parents would run to the store when I went to bed, buy a pie, and replace mine with that one. I also found out that my siblings would convince me to make a pie when they wanted one. I don't blame them, though. Now I legitimately like to cook, and I think I am fairly decent at it.

22. My favorite type of food is seafood. Ironically, I found out last year that I am technically allergic to all sorts of shellfish. Thankfully, it is such a mild allergy that my doctor is not worried about me eating them.

23. And finally, one of my favorite bands is an all girl Japanese Punk band called Shonen Knife. Their music is just so happy that I always smile and instantly become in a good mood when I hear them. If you ever want to ask me for something, I would suggest playing one of their songs to me before doing it. It would likely increase the chances of me giving you the answer you want. Here is one of their classic songs!

And since I like them so much, here is one of their new songs!
(Note that they have an English version of this song too.)

Well, those are some interesting Spencer fun fact! Now, When you are at a bar or a party, you can impress all your friends with you immense Spencer knowledge.

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